It was a sunny but real windy Sunday afternoon. But the amount of people at the festival was surprisingly, heaps.
Ok, cut the crap. Back to the topic, it was a rose festival. There were heaps and heaps of roses.. Let me introduce a few out of thousands.
The colour of the roses were so vibrant it outshined my make-up. But it was their show not mine.
Apart from the roses, there were lots of craft stores as promised.
She sells sea shells at the sea shore
Got an ear-ring here with my big NZD3.00. So proud of myself!
Got to admire the artist. Not sure if the tiles were imported from China thou.. didn't dare to ask...
Clothing for all ballerinas wannabe
One thing I noticed and felt quite refreshing was there were only a handful of foodstalls, which was so different from other fun fairs eg. Lantern Festival where people were so overwhelmed by the amount of food stalls and ended up didn't know what to eat.. which sometimes I found it weird coz I always managed to find something to eat. Okayed this is confusing. Forget what I said before and let's move on.
Natural honey for testing. They were nice but the one at supermarket are much cheaper..
Actually my main event for the day was to catch up with my best buddy Kelvin and his lovely wife Monica. They were there for Tai Chi performance.
'Shooting Star Chasing Moon '.. sounded so Asian. Well it is..
Wah cha!
Melissa, Kelvin's master
Free sparring between two strong forces = massive destruction
SEE~ told you~ there can be only one survivor
One thing I thought could be really useful for self protection in the South side of town if I ever go down there:
Double Broad Sword!! Hard-out BRO~
Apart from Martial Artist, they have other artists at the show as well.
Okay guys, these are not Two Dollar Shop items
Ponga Sculpture
Fresh Off The Log!!
Man he's got a long extension!! He was actually making some noise (wouldn't say music) from the saw using a violin bow lookalike.. who said New Zealand ain't got no talent?
Good ole Mr. China man
A clown.. sorry it's a magician
Some artist...
Must be from some La La Land next door
There were two stages for different performances. And because I didn't stay there the whole time, these were a few shots from the time when I was there.
Main stage where poets read out their inspiring creations. A bit boring for those people not into poems, such as I
The other stage where all the colourful costumes and performances were. People mountain people sea (Chinese) means shit load of people
Milkmaid from the label of Nestle Condensed Milk (Susu Cap Junjung)
Nice pose little lollipops!!
It was a very posh event and it was great!!
Oh last but not least, I just found out that our beloved Prime Minister-elect Mr. John Key actually lives just around corner!!

Hotdog must be yummy...
Huge property!! Apparently Prime Minister gets paid alot. REALLY.....
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