Okay so where were we when I wrote about the story of my life from the previous entry on the 16th December?
Oh yes! I attended Farmer's Santa Parade. Apart from that, I went to Coca-Cola Christmas In The Park as well!! The real deal actually happened on the 13th December but because I was working on that night, we went to the rehearsal night on the 12th December.

And because Coca-Cola was the main sponsore of the event, all employees in the company and their family members got to stay in the 'VIP' area, which meant we could get really close, or pretty much right in front to the stage if we wanted! No complaint to that~
And the best thing was that we didn't have to worry about dinner because Nando was doing the catering for Coke staff!!! Christmas came earlier!!

There were volunteers doing collections as well. The collections this year went to Surf Life Saving instead of Youthline like past years.

The program said the rehearsal started at 7.30pm, and it did.
Our hosts for the evening ladies and gentlemen: Petra Bagust and Jeremy Corbett
First up, introducing... Tama Samoa, with whole lotta self-slapping actions!!
Guys from TV3's Sticky TV
Don't know who he was but he was cute, and very nice voice! Later found out his name was Robert Enari... still don't know who he is...
A Ha! The old man himself!!
Even showed us some dance move!! Pretty funky too!!
Multi-talented Santa. To be honest, this was one of the best Santa impersonator that I've seen in a long time! Maybe this is Santa himself!!
This guys were bloody fantastic!!
Tim Beveridge with Diamond Dnace troop, love their fluffy outfit!As we sat quite far away from the stage on the first half of the show, we decided to go right up close to the stage for the second half. And we eneded up right in front of it, leaning against the stage. Cool leh~ Couldn't get much closer than that!
The second half started with a big bang! They had Elemeno P singing one of their biggest hits 'Baby Come On'! This hit is so well-known by everyone in the whole country thanks to Telecom using this song for pretty much in every one of their advertisement!
Elemeno P rocked the house!!
And the crowd went absolutely wild, including moi~
Sweet & Sour Dance Crew. Not like Chinese Sweet & Sour, but these guys are Sweet & Sour with a kick! They won 2008 World Hip Hop Championship.
And the time had come to light up the Christmas tree. Eventhough it was only rehearsal but guessed they had to make sure everything worked.
A Lucky family was chosen to turn the lights on.
Ta dah~~
Tim Beveridge and Elizabeth Marvelly sang O Holy Night
The Oti Brothers and Little Sister Mattia
Aaaahhhh!!! Mr. Cutie Shane Cortese!!!
And accompaniedy by the Outrageous Fortune actor and actresses!!
Ooppss! Munter's butt. Sorry guys this was one of those things, an unintentionally intention shot.
And here they are, our Godmothers of the event and NZ legends in music industry, Tina Cross (left) and Jackie Clarke
And the Godfather of Christmas In The Park, Frankie Stevens
Goddad and Godmums performed together, make sense eh!
Santa arrived to the main stage later on on a sail? Where were the reindeers!!
Let me entertain you said Drew Neemia.
Drew and Ainslie Allen
And so the show concludedWhat a fantastic show! I must admit, and hubby agreed with me, that the talent this year was way better then previous years!! It really blew us away. Eventhough there were no fireworks at the end of the rehearsal night, it was absolutely worthwhile.
Last but not least, Coca-Cola wished everyone Merry Christmas 2008.

And till next year, so long old man. Hope you go for a walk more often when you are not too busy during the year.