So the much awaited day finally arrived. Lots of people turned out at the bar (Richardson Tavern) and most of them kindly donated. Came 7.40pm and everything was all set to go. Hubby did the 'honourable' first shave..


After that we had auctions for anyone who wanted to give it a go shaving me hair off. All the money received from the auction went in this box.

Surprisingly, and I mean really surprisingly, it went so well that we auctioned it all the way. One shave per auction.
Bev, Richies Bar Manager, gave it a go as well!
Talk about being in the 'lime light'
Half way thru, one lady even wanted to shave my pubic hair off!! Wahlau!! Honey that will cost you thousands of dollars!!!

It took a good 20 to 25 minutes to shave my whole head. Well I 'had' a full head of luscious black thick hair. But now... bye bye hair....

And so, that was then...

This is now...

Apart from a little cool up top, I feel good that I've done this, more so it's for charity than how I look. Nothing to be ashame of, at all!!
Come on people the line is still open for sponsor. So please, chop chop~
here to sponsor. Thanks kindly.