Gengis Khan Mongolian BBQ Buffet Restaruant in Epsom is located at 380 Manukau Road with a big sign displayed at the front of the restaurant. It is quite impossible to miss that place when drive pass.

We'd been to a couple of other Gengis restaurant. But once we walked into this one, we were blown away. The setup is very nice and tidy. Pictures below say it all.
There is a bar behind me where friendly staffs serve drinks, including Coke, red wine, you name it.
This is where people sit closer to the food and pig out.Once the waitress guided us to our sit, it's all serve service after that. There were different areas for different food.
Meat including chicken, beef, lamb. Some marinated and some don't. There are seafood as well. Vegies are at the far end.First we went for the meat.. I mean who doesn't? We filled our bowl with raw meat, yes, I said raw meat. We picked some vegies up as well. See we are eating healthy. The best thing about buffet meal is whatever you want to eat, it's all your choice!
Then we headed to the most exciting part of the
pick and mix, mixing the sauces! There were heaps of sauces to choose from: teriyaki, oyster sauce, sweet chilli, hot chill, Gengis own special sauce, and wine as well for those people who like a bit of extra kick in their dishes. We got to choose the oil we like our dish to be cooked as well: chilli oil, ginger oil, garlic oil, etc..
See the amount of sauce you can choose to mix your dishes with!There are some suggestions on the board above the sauce department that for example if people like teriyaki, which sauces are recommended to use. But really, I think own mixture is the best mix! It might taste like crap but hey, it's my own mix and don't give me shit.
After some tough decisions with the sauces, we gave our great composure of meat, vegies and sauces to the chef. Food were poured onto a huge heated iron steel plate to cook. Do you think that it's bizzare? Legend has it that this wonderful form of cooking evolved after Mongolian warriors, around the time of Genghis Khan, used the underside of their shields as a cooking plate over an open fire. That is where the restaurant got th name from. But the reality is that the use of a large, flat and circular cooking plate actually originated in China. Anyway end of the day, no matter where it originated from, we enjoyed this method of cooking tonight.

Cooked meals were put on a bigger plate for us to help ourselves to more food. Yes I know what you think. The amount of food there is
jaw droppingly huge for a small person like me. There are noodles, rice, pasta, spring rolls, and more salads!
Chips, noodle, rice, and so on and so on...Phew! What a mission. These were the outcomes over two servings after spending a long five minutes or more each time deciding how the dishes were to be mix and match.. Yes I know.. there goes my diet..
Crab meat, prawns, onion, broccoli, mushrooms, noodle and a bit of spring onions with various sauces.
Chicken, lamb, mussels, onion, brocolli, spring roll, money bag and egg salad.And guess what! They do have desert too!

We walked up to the other side of the restaurant after we had our mains and the skilled chef came over, asked whether if we like a fresh pancake, made exactly the same way as he cooked our dishes. Why not I said. So there he goes again. Show off his pancake kung fu.
Just a note that somehow I don't think Mr. Genghis Khan would have made pancake with his soldiers' shield thou.. but one can never tell.

Ice - cream comes after pancake.
Biscuits, Chocolate buttons, crushed peanuts, chocolate sauce, caramel sauce, strawberry sauce toppings are all available. Ice - cream at far end.
Happy hubby with his ice - cream and chocolate sauce topping.Wah lah! This is my greatest preperation of ice - cream and pancake desert! Don't laugh. This is not bad considering I don't have any qualification in food science apart from just eat.

We had a good time dining at the restaurant. Overall it was a fantastic experience. The cost? About NZD26.00 per head for all you can eat. For the amount of joy we got out of this, it was pretty awesome.
I noticed there was this teeny weeny Asian girl walked pass us with a huge, and I mean huge bowl of food in her hand. Eventhough I used to have skinny female friends who could eat ten times more than me but it still fascinates me to see a small person can eat so much.
The amount of food in the bowl is almost as big as her head!!There is no way that I will be able to eat this much. And if I do, I will probably look like this..

No I'm not jealous of that Asian girl, at all!