Yes, so we bought these tickets few weeks ago from
Grab One, it's for two hours cruise on Waipa Delta. Wonder what is that? All informations needed is
here. Original price for the cruise is NZD40.00 but we only paid NZD19.00 (promotional prize), choice!

We decided to do a Sunday evening cruise so that we can at least say we had the most amazing cruise down Waitemata Harbour while the sun sets, leaving us with the most stunning Auckland city night lights.
It was sunny but the wind was freezing!! Our moods were high!! And there she was!! Lovely Miss Waipa Delta.

What a beauty!! It was, like, so ninteen century stuff!! 6.45pm, all aboard!!

We were told to be seated on the top level, suited me fine. And this was how the 'inside cabin' looked like.

Even equipped with a bar! Now that's dangerous. We could get real drunk by the end of this cruise!

A different angle looking at Auckland city.

And yes, quite a few tourists onboard...

Candid camera? Smile!

7.10pm the engine roared and the ship started to move, YES!!

After a 'huge' effort the ship turned itself around facing outwards and headed towards Waitemata Harbour. And this was when the fun began!

In less than 10 minutes we were already quite far away from the wharf and over-looked at the Harbour Bridge afar.

The ship actually went out quite far, all the way to Devonport North Head end. The mount on the left is Mount Victoria and on the right is North Head.

Oh for some reason one of the tourists kept talking about this piece of cloud. Yes nice cloud, kinda white and little grey, with a hint of pinkish blue...

We cruised by Devonport Naval Base too!

Look! It's that cloud! Over Mount Victoria!!

Oh look!! Here's the cloud again!! This time over North Head!!! Wonder why it kept following the ship?

Ladies and gentlemen, this is your Capitan speaking.

Please buckle up while I put my feet up. What a stressful job I have here. Good on ya Captain Waipa Delta.

Rangitoto Island during sunset.

It was the most incredible scenary to see the sun oozed out it's brightest ray before it diminished beyond the horizon. What a way to send the sun off and welcome moonshine.

My personal favourite shot.

While we enjoyed this pictureque view, a sweet smell reminded us we actually came onboard with empty stomach. Must be dinner time, or well past dinner time? We saw this lady busy preparing meals so out of curiosity (hunger mostly) we went right up to her and see what she was doing. Carefully, with long tongs, she removed a few hot rocks from this oven type thing and placed them on plates.

After sprinkled salts onto the rocks, she then placed thick pieces of meat onto salted rock.

Few potatos.

And a few other bits and pieces to spice the animal flesh up.

It was almost done!! Those rocks must be so bloody hot we could pretty much hear those meat sizzling!!

But because we didn't pay for the meal, we could only watch other people eat. Yes we do cheapskates sometimes. We saved our tummy space for something better after the cruise!
And we were heading towards the Harbour Bridge. At that time our tummies were full from tasting the smell of other people's dinner.

Silhoutte of Auckland City.

Here we are, the 'gate' to the other side.

Flags on the bridge were half mast to honour those people who suffered from Christchurch earthquake, New Zealand nation's tragedy that happen almost two weeks ago. My thoughts are with all the family that suffers...

Alas! We passed the bridge! I feel like I am a better person!! Yeah I wish...

Night view towards the city from 'the other side'

Did I say city night lights earlier on people??!! Here we are, Weeman-s Blogspot present.. TA DA~~~

Taking night shots weren't the easiest thing to do. Specially the ship was in constant motion too...

I tried my best okay. Stop rolling your eyes lol

How about these?!


Yes so this was the highlight of our weekend. Don't envy. Keep checking the website I mentioned earlier on and you never know what you might score yourselves!