Did a reasonable kilometers of running this morning and was very happy and loved the whole experience. Such a perfect morning and was great seeing lots of people out and about either walking, running and some, just about to head home from a night of fun-filled (I hope) partying.
Ran passed these handful of young adults/teenagers (looked like they came from other planet) loitered around waterfront. Obviously they saw me too. Suddenly these foreign words started to came out from their mouths and followed by insulting laughs. Of course I didn't stop for them because I had better things to do. Of course I didn't reply them because I couldn't and had no freaking idea what those words mean. If they complimented me, huge thanks. If they insulted me, which I thought it would be after a night fueled with alcohol, what a fail attempt. Not sure if anyone agrees with me or not. If I want to insult, make fun, belittle any individual (I am not that sort of person), I will make sure I am using the language that both parties CAN UNDERSTAND (yes, in capital letters, bold). Otherwise, what's the point and what a waste of time that would be. Had to laugh at those people thinking they are so smart but infact, childish...
On the other hand, it was absolutely fantastic when ran pass walkers and runners who were all so kind greeted me with a warm hello/hi or a simple gesture of a hand wave. Nice to know there were so many people out there worked out together, although in different ways and directions, towards a same goal.
I am living an extremely happy life and my own self is a happy soul. Whoever think they can polute my life with their pityful acts and words,