Time flies when you are having fun. And that is so true. A blink of an eye we are already in July. Nothing much exciting happened these days apart from training for the walk/run half Marathon in November. On Sunday I was up at 7am and went out for nearly two hours exploring our friendly neighbourhood, by foot of course.

I decided to walk uphill to Auckland Domain. At that time I was quite aware of going thru that 'jungle' park because it was kind of dark in there. Well I thought the worst that could happen will be some handsome men came up from behind and..... join me.

Was surprised of the things that I saw during this outing session which I didn't even know they exist.

And because we just have so many geese around town, we have to give way to them.

Wahlah! There I was at Auckland Domain.

See me no bluff bluff one. Many gooses here.

Yes, they were no ducks. Gooooses.

Ran passed Auckland Hospital.

Auckland Museum was my destination for the day and I made it!!

Stood outside of the Museum reminded me of that boxing movie 'Rocky'. That was exactly how I felt, sense of achievement, minus few of his washboard like ab muscles.

On the way home, I came across this steepest hill in Parnell. 'Stuff it, I'm going to climb every mountain, ford every stream. Follow every rainbow, till I find my dream~'

In less than 5 minutes, I was up there looking down, said 'Piece of cake'

My first mountain, won't be the last either.